Established in 2019 Rave King Productions LLC set out with the goal to provide top quality entertainment and experiences to its customers. During our early years of development, this took place in many of the cultural breeding grounds that have given way to the top musical experiences we hear today. This grassroots movement of top quality artists of all races and credos achieve this goal through experienced artistry, ten out of ten customer service, and a genuine desire to enjoy life whether alone or with loved ones! Emperor-King Clothing is the brainchild of our collectives desire to provide premium and luxury clothing at a "PLUR" friendly price point! Affording opportunities to those of merit, especially overlooked talent RKP and EKC breed an environment that whilst viewed as perilous, is a truly a playground for genius and success. Our quality and comfort will have you coming back for more for years to come. With that said, Dress Elite my friends.
JaShaun Delaney